Wednesday, November 21, 2007

SABROSA PURR - Thanks U with an exclusive mp3 from RCRD LBL.

SABROSA PURR gives Thanks in the form of a Free Mp3 of their brand new song "One Weak Moment" availalbe ONLY from

As we mentioned in the last update, Sabrosa Purr signed a deal with Downtown Records' new on-line label known simply as RCRD LBL. At the site you'll be able to download a brand new song from Sabrosa Purr that's available only from this new site. It's not on the new record "To The Crickets and The Ghosts" and it won't be available anywhere else! So, click here:

This revolutionary new on-line record label hosts a small number of established and up-and-coming artists like Sigur Ros, Cold War Kids, Art Brut, Bloc Party, Mos Def and The Stills. And we're happy to say, Sabrosa Purr will be among the artists featured on this new site where you can LEGALLY download exclusive tracks from all the RCRD LBL artists and other special contributors.

So, steal away and enjoy the new noise!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

PJ Harvey at The Orpheum

Jeff and I went to the Orpheum to see PJ Harvey on
Monday. Holy, good God that was one of the highlights
of my life. Without exaggeration we both concluded
that that must have been what it was like seeing
Hendrix or someone equally Wizard-like. There's lot's
of cool artists out there, but only a few that seemed
touched by the hand of God. PJ is certainly one of
those few.

She started the concert with the sickest rendition of
"To Bring You My Love" we could have hoped for. The
cover of her "TBYML" that's on our new record is
something we're really, really proud of, but it's
clear that that's HER song! Just her and a fat guitar
tone pumping out one of the simplest guitar riffs and
most unadorned and direct lyrics but to pulverizing
effect. All hail the 50 Ft. Queenie!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Sabrosa Purr at The Casbah in San Diego Oct. 7th

All you fine folks in San Diego need to shake it on
down to The Casbah this Sunday night as The Purr makes
it's way back for the first time in over a year!


Thursday, September 27, 2007

RCRD LBL and Downtown Records

So, have any of you heard about Downtown Records and Internet entrepreneur Peter Rojas' plan to launch an online-only record label that will offer its music for free???!!! If you haven't, check this out, Downtown Records; home to Gnarls Barkley, Cold War Kids, Eagles of Death Metal, Quintus, Wax on Radio, Kevin Michael, Art Brut, Spankrock and Carla Bruni and Peter Rojas of Engadget fame have teamed up to offer a sort of "...curated YouTube or MySpace for music with an editorially driven filter."

RCRD LBL will feature all kinds of music, from rock to electronica to urban. Thom Yorke is rumored to be one of the participating artists as well!

With physical music sales in a constant state of decline, RCRD LBL is trying to capitalize on the increase in advertising dollars online as well as the enormous traffic on peer-to-peer Web sites. They're trying something new. People seem to like free music, but artists still need to be paid to make it ('cuz it COSTS a lot to make it). So, maybe this will work for everyone.

Exciting to us. VERY exciting to us. Why are WE very excited. Ummm...well, we think it's great that YOU can get music for free from people like us. People JUST like us. People a whole LOT like us. What are we trying to say? Just make sure to visit when it launches and look for exclusive new songs from A BAND JUST-LIKE-US!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Saturday night at the Stardust and Monday night at Safari Sam's

Get ready for nearly back-to-back shows this weekend.
Sabrosa Purr will be playing at the Stardust in Downey
and Safari Sam's in Hollywood. The Safari Sam's show
is all-ages, so you youngin's can come to this one.
Rock music is good for you. Makes your bones grow nice
and strong, builds character!!!

Visit the MySpace page for details:

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

SP at The Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa on Monday 8/20

We've been invited to play with the Wildbirds at Costa Mesa's kick-ass Detroit Bar. Come on down and give us a little O.C. love. We play at 9:30.

Love is in the air.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Our love affair with Tokyo, Japan

So, it's official, Sabrosa Purr, every single one of us, LOVES Tokyo. We're writing it bad poetry, sending it flowers plucked from the Kinko's parking lot and practicing our poppin' and lockin' so we can seize the next opportunity to sweep the entire city off it's feet and make it love us.

Well, it kind of DOES love us. A tiny little portion of it anyway. We spent a week there, playing and hanging out until 6am every night with our wonderful new friends. It's like Manhattan without the looming danger. You can hang out in Yoyogi Park at night and have some drinks with your friends, listen to some music, catch cicada's and watch people breakdance at midnight. Try that in Central Park or Griffith Park in LA. Probably gonna get shanked.

Stay tuned for pictures and videos...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

To Bring You My Love

I'm typing as Jeff is recording his guitar part for the end of our cover of PJ Harvey's "To Bring You My Love". This is the first song I ever played guitar on with a band and will be the last song on our debut full-length album. In the earliest incarnation of Sabrosa Purr (some of the songs were there, but not the name) I was playing with my friend Brian in San Diego and "To Bring You My Love" was the first thing we played together. I didn't even know how to play guitar at the time and I think I played the main riff incorrectly. Even though the song has evolved quite dramatically, I think I still play the main riff wrong or at least a little differently than the original! It remains for us though a favorite at shows and even in our rehearsals. And it's always nice when people recognize it at shows. Inevitably, about 30 seconds into the song or when I sing the first line, someone yells out "Yee-aaahhh!", "PJ!!!!". I feel the same way too! I love playing it and always hate when we have to cut it from the set.

Aside from the sentimental attachment I have to the song, being that it was the cornerstone on which I started building what has become Sabrosa Purr, I've always felt a strong connection to the lyrics. "Hell and High Water..." indeed! I was ..."Born in the desert" and I've definitely "Been down for years", but there's also a simmering optimism, some kind of hope that I feel in the bones of the song itself. I hope people enjoy it on the record as much as we've enjoyed playing it. And most of all, I hope that PJ Harvey doesn't hate it! It's with the utmost respect and admiration for what she's created that we offer our tribute to her, to the relationship we have with you and to the bond we have with each other as bandmates and friends.

Listening to Jeff record his part right now and recalling Jacob as he recorded his, I'm reminded of my astounding good fortune in having them as a part of my life and as a part of our band.

Can't wait "To Bring You My (our) Love"!


Monday, July 9, 2007

Purring in the desert

We just got back, from playing the "Clean Air, Clear Stars Festival" out in Pioneertown, CA. This is a little place in the Joshua Tree area where they used to film old Westerns back in the day. The old town is well-preserved and anyone walking down the main drag through town looks like a bad-ass that's about to draw and take your wretched life from you. Dust kicks up from their heels and they sort of fall into a swagger as if they're mildly possessed by the dirty and the dangerous who've come before them. It was fun.

We played for a good cause, with good bands and met good people. Check out Spindrift, Sky Parade, The Flash Express, The Go Fever, they were some of the ones that stood out to me. There was also a cool local guy whose CD was played between sets that was awesome. I thought it was Neil Young, but it wasn't. I can't remember his name though, which pisses me off because I really liked it.

Anyway, we could only stay for the day because we're trying to finish our new record, but we really enjoyed it and are grateful to have been invited to play.

"Clean Air, Clear Stars" - go next year if they do it again!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Chaos in the studio

So, when you're making a record, you learn pretty quickly that things don't always go smoothly. You start to understand that things almost always take longer than you think they will. You expect that there will be delays, malfunctions and sometimes just bad days.

But, you NEVER anticipate spending TWO HOURS chasing a tiny, baby possum around the studio!

Our producer, Tracy, left the front door to the studio open for about a half hour tonight and this tiny, little midget of a possum, really about the cutest fucking animal you've ever seen, saw his shot and made a run for it! We managed to get him into a corner and tried to gently coax him into a box. I'm a vegetarian because I can't stand to kill anything, so I'm being really careful not to scare him too much as I prod him along with a hockey stick. I'm sure he was terrified though. Anyway, I thought it would be relatively easy to get him into the box, until he decided to crawl up and into the old tape machine. INSIDE THE TAPE MACHINE!!! That's the begninning of our two-hour campaign to roust this little rat-tailed invader from our session.

Eventually I got him out of the tape machine by blasting his little butt with air-in-a-can! I kind of think it might feel good to have air-in-a-can blown on your butt, but I'll save that for another blog.

So, he's out of the machine, but where'd he go............I look down-FUCK!!! HE'S ON MY FUCKING FOOT!!!!

Yep. Two grown men terrified by literally the cutest animal I've seen in a thousand years.